

Yippi does not require many dependency,It only asks for the client as its dependency.

Currently there are two clients available:

  • aiohttp (Async)

  • requests (Sync)

To install, you can use pip.:

pip install yippi

And you should be ready to go.

Calling the API

Currenly, only GET routes are available for now. To initialize the client, you have to supply your project name, version, and your username on e621.:

from yippi import YippiClient, AsyncYippiClient

client = YippiClient("MyProject", "1.0", "MyUsername")
client = AsyncYippiClient("MyProject", "1.0", "MyUsername")

The only core functions are as follows.:

client.posts()      # Searches e621       # Fetch for a post
client.notes()      # Searches for notes
client.flags()      # Searches for flags
client.pools()      # Searches for pools

If you’re using the async client, you only need to prepend the await statement.:

await client.posts()
await client.notes()
await client.flags()
await client.pools()

An example is available on the Overview page.